Saturday, 21 April 2012

Here it is Saturday afternoon and it is RAINING in Willunga at last, what bliss. This morning Sheila came and played the piano while I played Vivaldi on the cello.It took a bit of practice to be in time together but we managed in the end.Vivaldi is not easy to play with his different beats and though my largo is really grave^ it can still be pretty fast. The other thing I managed to do was offload my pictures from the camera via the chip onto the computer.Now it remains to be seen if I can select one for this post and get it on here. I did not manage to do the shawl yesterday nor today,had visitors instead which was lovely as they are few and far between these days, and I enjoy talking with people and hearing their stories. I still can't manage ti insert this picture, nowhere does it say Add selected How frustrating when I can do it with Helen showing me in the library and I can't do it at home!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep trying Tineke - you'll get there eventually!
    Isn't the rain delicious. Woke up to it at Second Valley this morning, drove home through the rain, convinced I could hear the earth sigh with relief; and it was still raining a few minutes ago. Very soothing....
    Wish we could hear your music on your blog, too.
