Saturday, 14 July 2012

The word "Crepuscular"

The word crepuscular I find somewhat off putting, yet it perfectly suits our Tawney frogmouths, last evening sitting by the fire sipping my evening whiskey , I saw one of the birds silhouetted against the dark twilight, it landed on the upright trellis post which supports our honeysuckle vine. There is also a beautiful rose named "Crepuscule" the word alone puts me off from having it in the garden, sad ,really. The grey shrike thrush is staying around and I was listening to its beautiful song this morning as I was looking at another rabbit dashing across the wet, wet front garden making for Brian's peas and beans, it is taking a grave risk!!
Have finished the very plain natural Merino handspun yarn knitwoven jacket, it needs to be washed now to bring out the softness but the weather is not conducive to washing woollens. The next jacket will be knit woven with 12 ply yarn in a very nice soft grey. I am wondering how to introduce a little colour without being over the top, there is some very exciting sari silk on hand but that may be too thick, we'll see.
Our gallery building is being auctioned early August and we are all wondering what will happen. Will the next owners still want us in there and will the lease stay the same? Usually these things are immediately increased and that would kill us. Renting somewhere else in Willunga at a low rent will be nigh impossible probably, everyone seems to want to make their fortune in double quick time these days.
One of the things on TV that really annoys me are the documentaries with their loud, loud background music. I wonder how you would go about letting the people who make these , know how very irritating it is to be blasted out of your seat with the music and then have to strain to hear the commentory. We were watching David Attenborough  on the Birds of Paradise in NG  and he too, had loud music which spoiled it for me. The photography is superb and the birds just stunning. Joanna Lumley's Greek Travels too, are so interesting but she talks very quietly and beautifully and then you have this irritating back ground music which drives you mad.


  1. Oh Tineke! I thought I was alone in my dislike of the documentary music matter. I am exasperated by it. Especially when I am listening to a show on the radio - I had started to think it was an age thing, but it's not - I know my hearing is ok as I've had regular tests. It's the sodding backing music! [sorry about the language - it makes me mad]. Let's start a support group to turn down the volume on these things!

  2. ...And about that word crepuscular: I feel the same about that as you! I tell everyone about the crepuscular rays of the sun beaming out of the evening clouds. No-one seems to like the word, so why don't we join a gang & get rid of that one too! Shame really, because it describes things that are so lovely. So I just call the rays the 'god sky'.
    It's a bit like the word 'pulchritude' = physical beauty. Doesn't seem fair, really. Such a clunky word that has no sense of its own meaning.
