Saturday, 21 July 2012

Roosters Getting above Themselves

It was a beautiful day today.We went to the Willunga Farmers Market to get real honey this morning , it is crowded with people and there are a lot of stalls and parking is quite something these days.We then went up the hill and drove to a tractor shed wine sale in a very beautiful setting off the Kuitpo road. There was plenty of youthful , enthusiastic help there and we tasted Verdhello, Viognier, Pinot noir, Meritage, which is a blend of various varieties and very nice indeed. So ,I got carried away as usual and got a supply  to last us till at least Christmas!!
After lunch I saw the rooster had already flown over the fence, so decided to let the hens out as well to enjoy the green feed. As I opened the gate and went through to see if there were any eggs, the damn rooster attacked me and I made the mistake of counter attacking, I was so wild when he flew me again I grabbed him by the neck and held him thinking " where is the axe?" after a while I let him go and he walked away a little more subdued. The hens had made themselves scarce meanwhile , not liking the fury who generally feeds them! He is a big rooster and very handsome and I am only keeping him for a friend's son who said he dearly wanted him, and that is two years ago....meanwhile the rooster has matured and he really needs a harem of twelve hens. It reminded me of a little, beautiful and gloriously colourful bantam rooster I was given. He was the devil incarnate as he would fly me with no provocation every time I went in the yard, so I used to dress up like a Samuri warrior, long boots, heavy jacket, leather gloves and my riding crop and still he would fly me.Someone suggested a water spray bottle , but nothing worked and in the end he got the axe, poor little creature. He made a very good coq au vin.


  1. Hi Tineke,

    Reading your blog with interest as always and hoping to say well done you.

    Love the nature stories and feel part of it all,
    big hug,

  2. OH Tineke, this story about the rooster is wonderful! I laughed like a drain while I was reading it. I can see you as a samurai - a fearless warrior woman, brandishing the crop. Phew! I wonder at the rooster continuing with his attack after your display. Perhaps you need the abusive cockerel language to go with it ... ru ru ru ru ruuUUDE language!#*!#! I remember the handsome little bantam, but happy to hear he made an excellent meal....
