This morning the pair of black ducks which were here when we re did the pond last year, arrived back this morning. Why I know they are the same pair is because they are not the least bit worried about us and snorkel away under the mulch, sit and groom themselves in the sun( when there is any) and don't move when I go out to empty the teapot on the gerberas. The grey thrush is about still, too ,so here is hoping it gets a mate and stays to raise a family. Though the ducks certainly made ducklings on our pond last season ( the female nearly drowns in the process of pro creation!!) they did not nest here sadly, it would have been great to have had a brood of ducklings about the place.
The Christmas bush is all out of whack too, it is flowering now instead of December and I have had to knock off all the little figs which appeared on the fig tree in April and came to nothing ofcourse.
We had another 2.5 ml of rain this morning so that put paid to burning the heap today, there was no wind and I don't want to smoke out my neighbours. Tomorrow is an easterly wind which is perfect but there could be rain as well. Our permit runs out 20th July, we will have to ask for and extension.Bureaucracy gone mad...
There are some very interesting articles in the Adelaide Review about the arts and the lack of funds, should we be looking how the god of football and shopping get their worshippers to contribute?
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