Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Can Ducks have a cat-nap?

One of the native black ducks arrived this morning early and while waiting for its mate ,it put its bill under its wing and had forty winks. It made me think of cat-naps, where do we get some of these expressions from, I wonder. When its mate finally arrived later in the morning, they did a little dive and swim routine as though to say to each other, "Its good to see you". This afternoon ,while I was starting to prune the roses, they did a similar routine and finished up making a duckling, she nearly drowning in the process. It seems a bit early in the season for them to start nesting ,I would have thought.Certainly the chooks have started to lay again and I picked up a bantam egg when I let them out for their green feed.They will however, camp on the patio near the door and make a mess ofcourse, they have five acres to scratch over, but no, they want to fossick through my potplants and sit in the sun.
Taking photographs is an interesting way of seeing things which the eye ignores. Taking some photos of the pond, and downloading them onto the laptop, I noticed all these sticks in the foreground and realised they were dead shasta daisy stalks which haven't been cut down yet and my eye had ignored them obviously. So I will have to learn a new way of seeing.
Vivaldi is still eluding me time wise, am now practicing with the metronome which is unsettling but I'm determined to get to grips with the beat and its subdivisions, the dotted note, the semiquavers, they can drive you up the wall , if you let them.My viola playing friend once suggested we ought to have a metronome fitted into our scull......heaven forbid!!

1 comment:

  1. Do your chooks rummage around your patio because of the slaters under the pots, do you think, Tineke? I bet that's what they are hoping for. Very optimistic & curious creatures, chooks. Joy lifts the pots for her girls some days, while she & they are gardening.
