Monday, 18 June 2012

First Jonquil and three goldfish!!

We have our first jonquil out today in the driveway, bulbs amaze me, the pink Narrenes are flowering now' whereas the red ones flowered with the first rains back in April. I see the Dutch blue irises are putting up their strappy leaves too and the Daffodils under the olive trees are in bud as well. I picked a large bucket of Kallamatas this afternoon and set them to soak in rain water. I'll refresh that every day now for at least a fortnight when they will be put in brine and herbs and left to mature.
The other exciting thing is that we saw three goldfish swimming around in the pond so the shag didn't get them all it seems.I had to drag the waterlillie out of the middle of the pond as the shag had overturned it. The roots on it are quite amazing and have spread over quite an area so I will have to repot it in several pots now.
My cello lesson was great as usual and I have come home with new ways to practice getting from note to note in a more relaxed and definite way. My teacher is living under very difficult circumstances as their neighbours are building a new weatherboard house and the trucks are blocking their drive to such an extent no one can get their car in or out. Besides that the young builder is rude and offensive when asked to clear the drive so some one can get out. I had to park out on the road and drag my cello in on its little wheels, it enjoyed the experience and proved it could do it!!

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