Where did Autumn go?This week has flown by as well, Wednesday music, Thursday a boring day in the Gallery, at least I did get the knit woven top with twisted front sewn up there, today Bookgroup here as the member whose turn it was had bronchitis so I had the meeting in my studio.Interesting discussion on "Light on Snow" and our next book is "March" by Geraldine brooks. I am re reading Tony Crisp's The instant Dream Book which is fascinating and more understandable to me now than when I first bought it in '89 and I was still living at Watervale in my cottage there.
We have the grey thrush back again and how I hope it stays and breeds here in spring. The willy wagtail has his breeding eyebrows on at present but it is too early for them to start families yet, there is bound to be more cold weather.Our tree dahlia is flowering at present and the roses are still going too. The cyclamens are beautiful and a joy to see.Here are the frogmouths!!!!
Welcome 'home' Tawney family! Lovely to see them, Tineke. I feel more optimistic now. Must compare photos to see if they look the same as they did last year. They would definitely be the same Mr & Mrs, wouldn't they? I hope they have 2 beautiful babies again. Any sign of young'uns from last year? cheerio