Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Wasting time contacting big companies

How irritating it is to ring internet providers,Telecom, modem companies.They seem to think your time isn't  worth a brass razoo.You ring them up and you are told to press this number or that number and when you finally press the right number you are told you are a valued customer but you are put in a queue. Only 5 minutes you are told but 30mins later you are still waiting and the awful music they play in your ear I know is designed to drive you insane and make you hang up so your problem does not become their problem. And whats more they succeed  as I will go and buy myself a new modem and not expect them to honour their supposed promises about customer care and replace a faulty modem. We will be very careful never to deal with those companies again if it can be helped.
Luckily my friends were here today to play music together and sooth the savage breast. We have also had some beautiful rain which has topped up the pond. Winter is here and it is lovely to have a warm fire in the evenings.

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