Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Farewell to blogging.....

What is my reason for giving up blogging?
I was reading an old article in an old Australian Geographic by Claire Dunn who did a Henry David Thoreau with a few others in a National Park in northern NSW. They had to learn to make their own fire using aboriginal fire sticks ( a bit daunting when you are hungry and dying for a cuppa) gather their own tucker, construct their own shelter, gather their bush tucker, make traps to catch eels, construct their sleeping pads etc etc.... of all the modern conveniences she missed the electric kettle the most. I will digress here and say that when we were holidaying on Currango in one of the rough cottages the thing I missed most was a have no idea what a useful thing a sink is till you are without one.....
So all this set me thinking, I do not need to go into the wilderness to find who I am, but I would like to take a leaf out of James Hillman's book, The Soul's Code where he says:" Failures in our loves, friendships,and families often come down to failures of imaginative perception.When we are not looking with the eye of the heart, love is indeed blind, for then we are failing to see the other person as bearer of an acorn of imaginative truth" and further on he says"Imaginative perception takes patience" and "in your patience is your soul".
My mother always told me I needed to learn patience and while I think I have acquired some patience perhaps some more wont go amiss.
I have found( as I suspected all along) that my laptop is very seductive and it is stopping me from my normal creative pursuits.
So farewell and thank s to all of the kind people who have followed my blog.... shut down is tomorrow


  1. Oh No! I will really miss your charming blogs and my occasional sorties into them.Perhaps a monthly catchup?

  2. Sorry to see you go, but of course we will continue our private conversations, for what I hope will be, many years to come.

    I shall miss the photos too, but you may send some in emails as I do. But of course that will keep you, once again tied to the computer.

    Love and best wishes for your next creative adventure.

  3. Mither a lovely shot of Daffodil !!
