Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Formbe Bay is not in the Park

Formbe Bay is about half way between Marion Bay and Corny Point. The main road is bitumen now and only the tracks off the main road to the various bays and beaches are dirt. We saw quite a few sleepy lizards crossing the road and some didn't make it. This one was sauntering along when I stopped to take its picture. It was in no hurry but when I hopped back into the car and started it up it suddenly realized "danger" and scuttled away at a great pace.
I love Formbe Bay. The headland there is called The Little Lizard and when you look you can see the shape of a lizard's head and body.
It is very popular with surfers and we could see some of them in the distance.
Someone has gone to a great deal of trouble to mark the broad path leading along the top of the cliff. They have lined it with limestone rocks all along and it has a really pleasing effect as there are little plants as well growing here and there 
surviving in these harsh ,sandy soil conditions and coping with salt laden winds as well.
In amongst the green vegetation were some Templetonia shrubs which have a lovely rounded habit. Not a great number of plants were flowering but it would be wonderful to see this place in the spring.

Beside the path some one had planted a type of reed and put little rocks all around probably as
a protection against people walking on them without seeing what was there.
This had been done all along the path and not only that but in places had actually created little
rock gardens.
These type of spurge plants on the left, amazed me as they were upright and cheerfully flowering away, they looked like a little army on the move in this dry and sandy soil. How do they survive this? Luckily there did not seem to be any rabbits
so perhaps little plants have been given a chance again and  are coming back.
I noticed the authorities are also laying baits for foxes and hopefully that will be a success and protect any small wildlife that may be coming back also.

We stood and watched a few surfers patiently waiting for a reasonable wave to come along and have a go at surfing it to the end. As we stood there watching I had been hopeful of seeing a Leviathan but of course it is too early in the year for them, they won't be here till June /July by which time they will also be on our coastline in the south.


  1. Wonderful blog Tineke and we are even more keen to visit York Peninsula in the very near future. Goo pictures too.

    1. Thank you, Gina and Paul. There is a great caravan park at Marion Bay but also camping places in the Innes Park as well. It is a wonderful coast line all along the foot ....
