Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Aerial display

 At the bottom of this page is what I wanted to start the blog with, describing what I was watching this morning out of our kitchen window. I then was going to insert the photos I took of the Magpies, which seem to be a bit of a security patrol in this garden. However the computer seems to have its own idea of what it wants to permit.... I didn't want to start all over again.... anyway, the Magpies were also inspecting what a mob of Galahs , which had suddenly descended on the new rose bed and were busily eating whatever they found so attractive back in March. It seemed strange to have
a small group of Galahs , pink and grey ones....or was that grey and pink.....when we had been battling with hundreds upon hundreds of their cousins the Corellas for seemingly weeks.
I am rather fond of the Galah, they are such clowns and when the first autumn rains come they dangle upside down on the nearest wire, spreading their wings to have a good wash under their armpits, you can almost hear them sigh in relief to feel clean again.
 The Magpies though, such officious birds, do like to keep an eye on things and make sure  that all goes to plan and no bird steps out of line....
The Gallahs took the hint and have not been back since , which is a pity as we do enjoy seeing them cavorting around in their lovely colours.
 I have actually knit-woven another origami sleeveless top. It takes quite a bit of thinking it out and then swatching to get a good combination of colours and yarns.The knit-weaving doesn't take so long but the sewing up takes forever as I like to sew it up by hand so as to get the squares to match the way they need to. On the right you see the two lenghts sewn together so as to construct the garment.
So below you see the heap it appears in while I am pinning it together
 It can be quite a challenge to put it all together
correctly as it is easy to sew the wrong edges together and then you have a devil of a job to sort it out again, so I always have a paper copy next to me to refer to.
 On the right are the two nearly finished sleeveless garments
the one on the left is a jacket I still have to do the neckline for
while the right one is just about finished but needs a button on its neckline to  make it complete. This one is also more a tunic as it is designed for a tall person and so half an extra square was added on to give it its length.
A close up of the yarns and weaving used gives some idea of the interesting textures that can result from yarn combinations.
This morning there were at least a dozen Wattle birds giving an aerial display. They were flying up, up in the air most likely having a shower and refreshing their feathers in the very gentle rain which was falling ever so widely spaced on the earth. As I was watching the exuberant display of their flying , a Magpie strutted onto the stage telling them it was not their patch to play on, it was his. They dive bombed him instead. He stood his ground and inspected what they had actually been picking up off the earth. Just then another Magpie appeared and then a third as well. The flying ballet did not exit but carried on and after a while they all disappeared and the space was empty of birds again......

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