Friday, 22 October 2021

Tawny Frogmouth and Chick as well as Bear Facts

It is a great delight to tell you , the Tawny Frogmouth chick has hatched at last and it is sitting comfortably under Dad's chest. they are sitting in a good sheltered position in the Ash tree above the little work shed.It is not easy to photograph them as the tree limb gets in the way but if you click on the photo you will get a better view. The chick follows Dad's idea that if he closes its eyes and holds its beak in the air to pretend he cannot see you.. you are not there to disturb its' Zen attitude...
On the right it is a great pleasure and relief to show a photo of the tan-brown Iris that I have managed to save after years of thinking I had lost it. The rhizome  was given to me back in 1989 by a friend who lived in Tasmania and had collected a huge variety of irises, some coming from America.

The tan-brown is very rare, I have not seen another one in South Australia.

The yellow ones on the left were also a gift  from her and they make a splendid display with their flamboyant butter yellow falls.

The garden this year has been amazingly colourful as we have had a lot of rain and constant little showers every few days. I have lost a lot of other coloured irises over the drought years sadly but may find some others a bit later in the season.

 On the right are a collection of knitted bears which have found homes as far away as Western Australia.It has been fun making them and it is lovely to know they are being treasured by some very caring little people....

Covid has not affected them fortunately and we too, are getting through this pandemic soon......

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