Black Ducks on the Rocks
Manifesting Love itself
in Stone and Feathers......
I later dragged it out on the grass and put a brick by it to see how long it was. it measured about 4ft. Hopefully there will be no more of them as this is the first big one I have had to deal with since we have been here. I know Chrissie next door always seems to have a few each season but then, she has chooks and feeds grain which attracts rodents which attracts snakes..
Well, once more into the breach ,dear friends .....I forgot that when I am choosing photos to publish in
this dratted new blog site, I need to choose the photos for the top, you will read this not as I had intended, starting with the ducks and ending with the Lavender bottles, but starting with the dear little lavender bottles I enthusiastically made some weeks ago. Because we have had such cool and damp weather this spring, the lavender bushes had masses of flowers. The bottles are quite fun to make and don't take long at all.It was so good too, to see a lot of bees in the flowers as bees have been rather absent these last few years.
My neighbour , a few weeks ago, had a mob of timber cutters come in and trim my Gum trees back to our boundary fence. He claimed they were overshadowing his grapevines and of course he was legally in the right to do so.
Nevertheless, I was devastated when I came out in the morning to see men dangling from ropes, manouvring chainsaws way up in the canopies of my trees. The man in charge assured me he was an arborist and knew what he was doing.
No, they would not be unbalanced after the eastern limbs were cut off....well, I do hope so....
It has left me with lots of valuable timber for my future winter fires but of course it all needs to be cut into smaller pieces as I don't have a hope in hell of carting these chunks my gardening friend will hopefully cut them up and we can stack them then to dry out and cure, for the winter after next.Some of the pieces will make good seats under trees in the garden for sitting on and contemplating the state of the world.......
Our pond keeps on attracting ducks and here is a photo of a pair of native Black ducks and a pair of Wood duck, which are actually Maned Geese, sleeping peacefully together for a lot of the day. The Wood duck pair only had five ducklings of which only one made it to adulthood, you can just see the juvenile at the back....
A few days ago, I saw a Magpie and Galah having a go at each other in the paddock behind the house. It was most unusual as they don't eat the same thing so, I cannot for the life of me think what they were squabbling over....surely our distraught and mad world isn't affecting the bird world as well...mind you, there are a few bird brains amok on our planet come to think of it.....
Do click on the photos to get a better view
Australian Spring and the New Generations
This is only going to be a tiny blog as I battle with the new way Blogger is insisting I deal with.....What joy this afternoon to find the Tawney Frog mouths have produced two chicks. This has not happened for a couple of years. They were sitting in the Wisteria tree and I think their nest must have been close by but I had been unable to find it. It was not in their usual tree.
But this afternoon, as I was having my evening whisky for the first time on the veranda which overlooks the pond,the weather being so mild and calm, the parents arrived with only three ducklings. So have they lost two already? Or is this a different set of parents?They all had a vigorous sploosh about in the pond and then waddled off to the West. I have no idea where they are camping over night as they nest in tall trees and I am sure the ducklings, having been made to fall out of the tree, cannot fly back up at this is full of mysteries...