Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Social Distancing and Isolation III

 I know I was going to walk you through my house and show you how we live, but suddenly I felt very reluctant to do so in the face of so many people out of work and even loosing the place they have lived in. So many people overseas who have absolutely nothing, it made me feel and also wonder, why we are in such a privileged place here in Willunga....
We live in such beautiful area and today we decided to take our sandwiches to Sellicks Beach look out and practice our social distancing in a slightly different way....
 The sea was dead calm and the sky overcast giving the whole scene a feeling of remoteness and almost unreality. We really don't need to go overseas to enjoy such glorious scenery.
The White faced Heron on the right has found the new logs around the frog pond a perfect place to contemplate the hidden frog population. With the buttercup plant and water celery so dense now, it would be lucky if it found a frog at all. The yellow fringe lilies are interesting in that they have escaped the pot and float around freely flowering enthusiastically each day...
 On the left are my new vegetable beds put in place by our gardening friend Kym.
He is very particular that everything is straight and in line and consequently my leek seedling are crooked as a dog's hind leg...they were planted before he constructed these fine beds.
I have since planted beetroot seedlings, sugarsnap peas, snow peas, turnips, more beetroot this time seeds and garlic.
English silverbeet will go in tomorrow as well as parsnip seeds I saved years ago and may well not germinate as it is better fresh off the plant. Sadly I planted the sugarsnap peas in last years' garlic
patch and peas and garlic don't get on...
The Tawney Frogmouths have been sleeping on
the patio each day for the last fortnight.
At times there is only the one and you wonder if they have had a domestic and decided to separate for a while...It is lovely to have these Zen birds sitting there so quietly in this amazingly chaotic and very uncertain times, they inspire a calmness we all need.
Well, I seem to be having trouble moving the cursor to where I want it, so the photos will be all over the place by the look of it.
I have no idea what button I may have pressed
for it to dictate to me where the cursor must go,
it is very annoying...
The last photo is of the old Galah which keeps on
returning on its own, looking scruffy and slow as
though it may be on its last legs and about to kick
the bucket.....
Are we in an evolutionary tidal wave at present
with this pandemic throwing everything as we
know it into chaos and confusion?
If we are I would like to jump on and surf it
and see where it eventually lands us.....
I have never surfed but love seeing the people
who do surf, do it so elegantly and the feeling
of freedom must be exhilarating .......

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