Monday, 23 November 2020

Snakes Alive.....

Well, I hope I am not boring you with yet another Blog when I have blogged very little during this year.....But , this morning as I was watering the vegetable garden before going off to Pilates, I walked past the apple tree to get to the tap when I saw this snake's tail under the net.... shock ,horror and debating whether to let it go, as it would do a lot of good keeping the rodents down, I saw that it was hopelessly tangled in the net. So I thought I better put it out of its misery....
I got the long handled post hole digger and jammed it behind its neck, thinking it would cut it's head off. I couldn't really see so left it to go into Willunga. When I got back ( and I may add I was wearing strong leather gloves and solid foot wear) I lifted the net and here was its little head and beady eyes staring at yet another go with the shovel, this time behind its head and killed it out right this time. I then had to cut the netting away off it's body and it was surely tangled.
They take a long time to stop writhing, poor creatures.

I later dragged it out on the grass and put a brick by it to see how long it was. it measured about 4ft. Hopefully there will be no more of them as this is the first big one I have had to deal with since we have been here. I know Chrissie next door always seems to have a few each season but then, she has chooks and feeds grain which attracts rodents which attracts snakes..

The other interesting creatures which have been visiting the native pines on our West side of the house are the soft spoken yellow tailed Cockatoos. They have a very gentle squeaky voice so they are not so irritating as the raucous Correllas which come screaming in large flocks from the west to feed on trees near the golf course.

 Last but not least is the flowering parsnip "tree" it is so tall, I planted it when Meredyth gave me a few during the winter...I will have lovely fresh seeds now for sowing in the autumn....nothing like baked parsnip with a roast in the winter.....

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