We brought home the bowl and a male and female guppy which Brian reckons were going to reproduce at the rate of knots, plus two gold barb which the aquarium man said would live happily together.....They looked very handsome on the breakfast table and are very interesting to watch.
However, two mornings later I found one of the gold barbs dead at the bottom of the bowl, poor little thing either hated our breakfast table or just decided enough was enough and he missed all his other mates...The next day I noticed that the male guppy had half of his beautiful tale missing.
He seemed alright but during the following days I started to notice the gold barb was harassing him. Well, the upshot was that the guppy gave up and died also....You can see the gold barb with the black dot on his tail in the photo. The female guppy is below him slightly to the left. He started bullying her also but she wasn't going to let that continue and told him off in no uncertain manner and they seem to be getting along alright now.
One evening last week we saw one of the tadpoles emerge as a froglet which was pretty exciting so I popped it in a container and put it in the frog bog where hopefully it will thrive and soon add to the Base and Baritone frogs I hear at night now. Perhaps it will be an Alto to start with.
The last photo is one of how the pond is progressing with all the plants in it. The fish seem to be breeding up, as there are quite a few small gold fish and also a host of black ones which will eventually turn gold as well. I have managed to catch two to put in bowls on the verandah to keep the wrigglers down..
Apparently I have been misleading you sadly, as there is no such word as "froglet" this device keeps on underlining it so I looked it up in the Oxford Dictionary.....well , well , well, you will have to forgive me, but I still think it is a great word....
We all need to invent at least one word in our lives Tineke, and “Froglet” is a beauty! And you’ve plenty of time left to invent lots more, Dad should even have a go at it....actually knowing him, he has probably already invented hundreds....lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣