Sunday, 17 February 2013

Getting Creative with Lichen Logs

 We will start with  the photo below. Here I have used the Pandorea seed pods as little boats anchored to the lichen covered log, adrift in a sea of mulch.It will be interesting to see if the seeds in the lefthand corner of the photo will sprout when the rains come again. Oh! how we long for rain!!
Guess what the photo on the right here represents
a circle of logs for gnomes and partners to sit on and drink their toadstool beer and tell tall tales to each other?? 

Here the Peppertree berries have been used to fill the gap in charmingly arranged amputated branches of the ashtree adrift in a sea of forest floor litter.

The hot weather continues and plays havoc with my creativity, where does it go, you wonder. So the best thing I find is to start playing with whatever strikes you as unusual or beautiful. These lichen coloured Ash tree logs started me off. After getting a book from the library ( where would we be without our libraries!!!) by Marc Pouyet, with lovely photos of natural materials arranged and photographed, I thought I would like to have a go and see what I could come up with.
 The exciting circular pattern made by more little logs arranged and interspersed with Agapanthus seed heads  give a satisfying result using these dead and discarded materials on the windblown deadfall leaves of a drought stricken landscape.
Speaking of drought, we have started watering trees and shrubs which are looking to shed their leaves. The ground has unbelievable cracks in it, and the crickets are starting to appear and use them as hidey holes.


  1. Hmmm, very creative, Tineke.
    Have you seen the work of Andy Goldsworthy - English sculptor who arranges natural materials in the open.

    very inspiring.
    we have some books in the library I think.

  2. Lovely Tineke. I fell in love with Andy Goldsworthy years ago. Do check him out. You must have been out in the heat taking the photographs unless you are making the most of the cooler weather today. My artistic wells have dried up lately…swopped for long stints playing chess with people in snowy countries who are housebound for the opposite reasons to me.

    Maybe we should have an Andy day as an additive to our books and poetry.

