It is interesting how locked in some of us are to patterns that in the end seem irrelevant. It seems to take some of us a lifetime to shake these off. So let us celebrate life by looking at everyday life with fresh eyes and question everything we were brought up with, discarding all that doesn't make sense or doesn't suit us any longer.
The light outside my window at present is a glorious sunsetting gold with that rare feeling of otherworldniness. I have taken some photos but am not sure it has captured it.
The share farmer has spread super today and this afternoon the grape harvesting machine was next door harvesting the shiraz grapes. The vines look raped and pillaged afterwards, so sad and droopy.
I know they will be fed and watered after wards but they never seem to recover that beautiful vigorous look of before. Is there a lesson for us here?
Tomorrow we intend to go to the Mt Lofty Botanical Park and have a picnic there!! We will also call in on a friend who is restoring a lovely old 19th century gardeners cottage belonging to an old estate in Stirling