The Golden Rain Trees are flowering now. They originally
came from my friend Washington Parker who chose them for street trees in Watervale when he was councilor there in the 1970ies.The trees are now 20 years old and have managed to cope with the droughts we have had for quite a few years.I love their flowers and then their clusters of Chinese lanterns which rustle in the wind and then drop their little round black seeds in the autumn when the leaves turn all golden and beautiful.The resulting crop of little seedlings are easy to deal with. Two have escaped our notice of course but as they were in quite suitable places we have let them go on and they are managing to compete with gumtrees.
The Kniphofia is flowering too now as well as the small Agapanthus. The Morning Glory vine has gone berserk as they are inclined to do, but I adore their spectacular blue/purple flowers. We have had 6ml of rain and the lawn is now covered in yellow oxtongue thistle flowers !! it will all need mowing again and as I have a suspected stress fracture in my left foot I am supposed to rest it, mowing may be a slow process.It is neither here nor there compared to what is going on in the rest of the world.I wept last night for all the horrors we see on the news.I only look at the news to get the weather map and forecast which I note down each evening so that we can look at it in the morning to remember what the forecast was for the day!! I know, you will tell me the radio announces it each morning but we don't ever have the radio on before 10am ,if at all.
Brian has just come in to tell me it is sherry time.We started having a sherry on a Sunday lunch time so we sit on our front verandah and watch the birds and the fountain on the pond.......a little ritual...
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