It has been an anxious time waiting for the Tawney Frogmouth chick to appear..... he started sitting on September the 17th which is seven weeks ago and I was starting to despair of ever seeing and offspring, wondering if he was sitting on dud eggs.But at last yesterday I saw there is a chick sitting in front of his Dad... Mum is on a branch nearby, so all is well.
What a relief ,as you wonder if we are upsetting nature so much now with the vineyards spraying incessantly for downy mildew at present with this strange weather we are having.
Meanwhile the Willy Wagtails have hatched about four little chicks on the patio vine under cover...we were worried they might expire when we had a sudden burst of very hot weather last week but they survived. Then they also survived the most ferocious thunderstorms we had three nights ago when large hailstones pelted down on the roof, as of course they are well and truly sheltered from those stones with a solid roof over their nest.
The magpies too, have hatched a baby as we can hear it singing out but the nest is too high to make a decent photograph of it.
The other pleasing thing is that the one remaining old chook, which I have been too soft to dispatch for chicken soup and still buying layer pellets for, has suddenly starting to lay eggs....
she is producing one a good is that ...
my patience has been rewarded
now I wonder if I should get her some companions but on the other hand she may be quite happy on her own with nothing to bother her...
I took a photo of Wombat, one of the quirky pottery animals made by a Yankalilla potter some years ago, as it is looking rather splendid with a fuchsia I bought at Aldi a while ago.It looked pretty dreadful at the time and felt stupid afterwards for having bought it. It took a long time to right itself as I realized I was drowning it with kindness and it really wanted to be left alone.
Since then it has recovered to the extend where I think I shall have to find a larger pot or even split it up.
The strap cactus is flowering madly as well in front of the Studio.
In fact the whole garden is looking brilliant at present after the good thunderstorm rains we had, nothing like rain to spur plants on....
This is a lovely post, I really enjoyed it. It gives us all hope when you see babies being born, it shows God or the Universe working it’s magic again and creating miracles. Hope and magic don’t seem like they should be best friends, but isn’t that what Miracles are made for!