Wednesday, 1 August 2018

About Wild Creatures which visit Tineke and Brian's Garden at Willunga

 I am writing this blog for two special little girls who live in London. Their Grandmamma told me they would love to hear about some of the creatures which visit Tineke and Brian's garden. To see some of the photos she was able to take of them before they went off to hunt for their food or to get back to their families.....
The Echidna ....One late autumn  afternoon, we heard a gentle knocking on the patio door and when we opened it, there was the Echidna....
Did it want to come in and be warm by the fire?
No, it wanted to know where the best ants nests were so it could get a good feed.... so it shuffled off to the nearest ants nest . We did hope it would hang around but we have not seen it again probably lives near the Willunga creek.
Does it remind you a little of the English Hedgehog do you think?
On the right is a photo of a little Gheko, it shot into our sitting room as I opened the door to get some wood for the fire. I was very worried that he might hide under the furniture but it didn't do that so I was able to put a glass jar over it and  take photos of it. It is a pretty little thing with lovely markings and in the morning I let it go in the garden where there was mulch and it could hide there and not get eaten by the Magpies.
Little Ghekos live in little family groups and love to eat bugs and things. Don't you love his little feet with those broad little toes which hold him up and he can climb up windows at night and catch moths which are attracted to the light.
Do click on the photos to get a really clear look at them.....they will be chuffed that you want to look at them and admire them...


  1. How far is the Willunga Creek from you? Must be half a kilometre at least. Fair walk for such a little guy.
