This morning while hanging out the washing, I noticed the Tawneys were no longer in the nest in the Ash tree.Looking around I found them in the Pepper tree, near the chook shed and not very far up. They won't be easy to photograph because of all the leaves hiding them. I also finally found the blackbird nest in the patio vine, I had looked and looked and could hear the chicks but they seem to be ventriloquists and could not pinpoint the source of the sound.
Saturday 10th November
It is a stunning morning today, glorious sunshine and the sharefarmer is raking and bailing the hay at this moment. The hay had been left too long to my mind, but these young men lead such busy lives and ours is only a small patch.
I tried to find the Tawneys but they have gone elsewhere perhaps, I should have taken a picture of them yesterday while they were in the peppertree. I saw them at dusk flying onto the honeysuckle trellis but can't take pictures then. I did take pictures of the stunning cactus flowers late afternoon and I will see if I can transfer them here.It seems to have worked!! Are they not absolutely stunning? you can just see the nodding violets as well.
I have started pruning the roses, poor things have been sadly neglected and still they bloom. There is one in particular of a faded old rose look, but neither of us can remember its name. So will take it to Ross roses this afternoon and see if they can identify it. We can also look to see what is blooming and take notes ready for ordering as we will start a new rose garden which will be in the sun.
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