Sunday, 13 November 2022

Storm Damage and Blue Things

On Saturday, 12th of November we had been listening to Thor, throwing His hammers around during most of the day....then around 4pm He let loose with the most horrendous storm I have ever experienced in the last 32 years I have lived here...

.The rain was in horizontal torrents and lashed the windows under the South facing verandahs which has never happened before....

When it finally abated and we were able to go outside to see what damage had occurred we found my beautiful, tall straight seedling tree, around 15 years old . had been twisted off about half way up and left a jagged stump as you can see in the next photo....the canopy fell on a bottle brush but I don't think that will be too damaged...

Walking further on the track we found the iconic Sugar Gum on the corner of the property, had been forced to relinquish a limb which fell on the boundary fence and tore out the strainer post holding up our newly installed gates....

We installed the gates only recently as our neighbour had intruders damage her shed as they tried to steal her ride on mower.... and a neighbour across the road had been broken into and most of their electronic gear gates do stop yahoos from just taking a turn around our yard...

 On a happier note...  the photography group I have recently joined , was set a project to photograph something blue... well, my irises were in flower before the rain ruined them.. so here it is... a Blue Iris in all its glory....

Do remember to click on the photos to get a better look....


  1. That’s good to see a before and after photo of that lovely tree. And the iris takes my breath away with its intense colour.

  2. Sorry to hear about the damage. At least none of the branches hit the house of studio. I'm guessing the snapped-off tree can't be saved?

    1. I am leaving the stump to see if it will heal and sprout again, here is hoping....

  3. It certainly was an exceptional and unwonted day. Your blog is a good record to look back in future 12th of November's. Thanks for photos.
