Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Wild Game or Christmas dinner

Here is a total surprise from late this afternoon.

While I was sitting here at the dining room table with my laptop,late this afternoon, this amazing Guinea Fowl appeared in front of the may have come from the Peacock farm but that however is about a kilometer and a half from here. Still they do have long legs I guess and can fly but only up to a roof top or in a tree where they are safe from foxes. A friend of mine from years ago used to artificially hatch their eggs as they are very poor parents. Then when they were a certain size he would sell them as pheasants....hence the idea of a Game Christmas dinner coming up.....

It was rather curious that the resident Magpies didn't put up a fuss at all, as usually they do and at anything strange, they protest very loudly. I do hope it stays around and befriends my chooks...

The irises have started to flower now and I quite like the white one with the yellow falls. the other ones are a lovely rich yellow and there is also a yellow one with white falls....

The garden has gone ballistic with all the rain we have had. Not that the rain has been heavy as the soil underneath is quite dry and I noticed today with the warmth the vegie patch looks like it will need a drink tomorrow

It is Bird week this week apparently and I have no bad bird stories other than that my chooks ,when I let them out for an extended scratch around , will come over to me and peck my shoes and legs of all things keeps me moving I can tell you......


  1. This came through! No longer hidden in the junk file. Did you know the peacock farm was sold recently? How lucky you are to have these unexpected visitors. The gardens are wonderful. I have hundreds of buds on my roses.

  2. Wow! That’s a lovely surprise!

  3. Guinea fowl are so cute I hope it stays around. Your garden is looking very colourful, who doesn't like spring.
    I've had to water the potted plants already bit of a shock after all the consistent rain.
    Thanks for the news in your blog.
