Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Real Estate in the Bird World

Tonight it was stated on the ABC news, that house prices in Adelaide had increased by 25.5% last year....could this also be so in the bird world?...

As I was hanging out the washing early this morning, with my jacket on and back to the cold Easterly wind (and it is summer here in South Australia...) I happened to see a tail sticking out of the old Tawny Frogmouth's nest. Well, needless to say I got the camera out to record a second sitting of the Tawny for this season. So it was a total surprise to photograph the Bronzewing Pigeon in the old tawny's nest.

Pigeons are not noted for their ability to build substantial nests, the Crested pigeon has a few sticks at most to lay her eggs on and incubate it. The Tawny builds a much better nest and will use it for a few seasons running.... so, have they rented out their space at a premium rate as it is in a very shady Ash tree?.... Do click on the photo to see its pretty head..

The waterlilies are meant to be of an Apricot colour and were Brian's choice the summer before he died.He did see one flower and was interested to see it was more pink than apricot. They are very prolific this year as are the yellow Fringe lilies.The gold fish have plenty of cover now and I am wanting to catch some to put in the fish bath by the Studio but the little buggers are hard to catch.

The little black and white bird surprised me also. I first thought it might be a newcomer finch of some sort. No, it is one of the Willie Wagtail chicks and has no tail to wag, poor little thing. Still, it is quite happy and able to catch its own food but it is sad to see it can only move its little rump and no tail to emphasize the movement.

It was one of the third batch the parents have hatched this season so perhaps it was last in line for tail feathers....

 The other morning I took photos at sunrise and could not resist taking on of the Gum tree which started off as a self sown little teensy seedling. It was not far from a Holm Oak seedling I had planted there and thought to let them both go. Well, the little Holm Oak wouldn't grow, no matter what I did for it but the little Gum tree powered ahead and as straight as an arrow it shot up. I have no idea what sort it is, as Eucalyptus trees are notoriously promiscuous so it could be a cross of the Sugar gum and the Lemon scented gum which is a very tall and elegant tree. The Sugar gum at the corner of our block is at least 150 years old, I guess, and huge....

It dropped an enormous limb on my neighbour's shed the year before last and at times when I walk under it I sometimes hold my breath........


  1. Well I'll be damned ! Pigeons are not as stupid as I thought !

    1. Yes , except the following morning the pigeon had been evicted...perhaps it refused to pay a deposit....

  2. Ah that's lovely, I hope they checked the fine detail of their lease!
    Are your frogmouths still hanging out in the fig tree?
    Cheers Janine

    1. No, the pigeon did not check the details of its squatting rights and the following morning it had departed....

  3. A Bronzewing in the tradition of the great Australian squattocracy?

  4. Yes, sadly, the outcome for those was not all that brilliant either, was it
