Yellow Fringe lilies
Proclaim the Sun their Friend
The Pond is their Home
Its Simple Beauty striking
Memento Mori
For my overseas readers I will explain that Bifcus is short for Black faced Cuckoo shrike and they are nomadic as we only see them occasionally. We have had a pair nest here one year and raise one chick .I have no idea why this one had died and was in our garden two years ago. I gave it a Christian burial.....
Seeking water, food shelter
Let us Welcome her
Just want to explain that the Cockatiel is not a local bird here. It has flown into the garden some days ago and has stayed around. I am very happy to give it the space to live here. I suspect it is probably and escapee from an aviary in the area.......
Do click on the photo to get a closer look
The beautiful lilies on the right here, are the white version of the pink Naked Ladies. I have no idea why they are called that other than that they suddenly appear after the first rains in March or at the earliest late February straight out of the earth and their leaves appear much later. We have had a cool summer so far and last week we had 36 ml of rain which is a great blessing for gardens but I am not sure about the vineyards.
Do click on the photos for a better look and also view some of my earlier Blogs of photos and Haikus....