Thursday, 5 September 2019

More Spring Flowers....

 Here are the Black Ducks back again as a pair perhaps having a spell away from the children. The male ( I assume it is the male) sitting comfortably on the fake Crocodile's back sunning himself while the female is busy finding bargains in among the weeds. Also there are two pink water lily flowers to add to the sense of spring. We haven't had that much additional rain so the pond is not as high as it can be at times.
The next photograph does not capture the beautiful light of the early morning. As I sit in my favourite possie, looking out past our gumtrees  to the far Adelaide hills, the rigid lines of vine yard posts in the foreground, all golden in the rising sun, remind me of the organ pipes in the Reformed church in The Hague our parents used to take us to each Sunday morning.
As a five or six year old, I could not understand the sermon being thundered down from the pulpit and so I would count the golden church organ pipes-so many small ones and so many larger ones....Having counted them I would then count how many ladies had feathers in their hats and how many didn't. Poor God must have despaired at the little girl later thinking He was angry and punishing for such inattention....It has taken the little girl a lifetime to realize the opposite is true. And so I photograph the wonders of our garden and the constant reminder that Spring is resurrection in concrete form,
the Plum tree flowering and the Willy Wagtail renovating last years nest ready for its little mate to lay her eggs and start a new generation....
How could we doubt so......
It was very exiting to see so many bees in the Canary Island lavender this morning. Bees are so much on our minds these days as their numbers have declined too and my local bee keeper had to give up her stall at the Farmers Market because of the drought and not honey to sell...
Frogs too, give us some indication of the havoc humans are wreaking with sprays and polluting our creeks and water ways. Mind you, the White faced Heron has a good go on our frogs in the pond too......


  1. Are they wood ducks? If so, they both look like females. So maybe not just escaping from the children!

  2. They are Black ducks M.D.C, and the male and female are very hard to tell apart, even their size is similar,the Wood duck Male has a brown almost chestnut head and the female is plainer and more speckled....
