Thursday, 24 May 2018

Bats and a Cacophony of Birds...

Well, no sooner had our share farmer  sown his crop at the back of our place last week, than the noisy Corellas descended in huge numbers to demolish the first seed sprouts that appeared.
There would be at least a thousand birds all making raucous noises all... day... long...
It is deafening when they take fright and fly over our garden and settle for a brief moment , screaming obscenities knowing full well they are perfectly safe.....or are they?... I do wonder how Saint Francis of Assisi would have dealt with
 such marauding flocks eating his and his monks, future food stuffs. The two Corellas above are quite elderly by the look of them and I think they have come here to die as I found a dead one under a bush this morning.
Yesterday they were here too and when I asked my friend, who was repairing some eaves under the front verandah , did the birds from hell bother him as well, he seemed surprised at my question. Well, of course he had been working with earmuffs on.....
The above photo shows part of the flock of Corellas in the neighbours paddock and an elderly bird sitting there in front not taking a blind bit of notice of me photographing them all.
Click on the photo to get a closer look to see the numbers that are there.
 The photo on the left are the other noisy blighters that sat on the bird bath in front of the kitchen window this morning. The colourful Rainbow Lorikeets  were very vocal and scolding each other, saying "I was here first and who do you think you are?"
Flying off into the fig tree for another dispute.
They too, are in quite large flocks but at least their noise is bearable.
The photo on the right is of our Tawney Frog mouth family, Mum, Dad and offspring....
I wonder will they get junior to move off to his own territory..... sue him even, for out staying his welcome... this was taken in March when they came for a few days to sit and sleep while the Greenies, another honey eater, came and told them off and it wasn't even breeding time and the patio is attractive for nesting places.
The photo of the Magpies was also taken in March after a hot day and I had put on the sprinklers to give some of the plants a drink. One kept on trying to sit on top of the sprinkler while the others were content to sit and be sprinkled...
I must mention the Micro bats now, I was given some information on Friday to say the recording taken in January shows there could be six different little micro bats here, but definitely the lesser Long eared bat, Nictophylus geoffroyi
Hope you can pronounce it.....

1 comment:

  1. Hello wildlfie woman, with wondrous garden and life
    Never take for granted the beautiful life that we share
    Living with wildlfie is one of the joys of being an Australian
    HD xx
