Sunday, 22 June 2014

Winter Days

Today is Monday 23rd June and winter seems to have arrived at long last with wild winds and lashing rains.The weather has been so mild  so far and everything in the garden seems to think it is spring. I saw the crows tearing the soft bark off the paperbark trees and flying away with beakfulls of the stuff. Then I noticed a magpie collecting the dry mulch of grasses and stems from the front garden, so they too are building nests.....and the thrush is singing its beautiful song in the morning....
Our last Willunga Artisan Market was on a cold day also and our numbers were down. So the young  coordinator suggested a different way of setting up our stalls.

It made no difference to our sales sadly, but the economic climate ( don't you just love that phrase....) is against people seeing value in specially handcrafted pieces.

Speaking of handcrafted pieces, the anamatromic creature on the right, was made out of an old teddybear and bits and pieces by a young friend 
 who is showing prodigious artistic talents. The goat moved and opened its jaw and had flashing eyes as well. It is amazing what the young are now encouraged to explore and so create. She is also a budding sculptor and musician as well.
The rocking horse, appropriately called Bucephalus belongs to her mother who is also an artist and an avid collector of ancient fabrics.
It is always a pleasure to visit them in their lovely old cottage filled with interesting art works.....

 The jonquils have started to flower and that is early too. The little white snails which have suddenly appeared ( where do these pests come from when you haven't seen a one for years?)
I have had to put out snail bait and more snail bait and more snail bait.... at least we have managed to save the kale and leek seedlings from total decimation. Our daffodils are being chewed by slugs and so we have baited them as well. (Not an organic gardener then....?)

Our lemon tree is a delight as we have tried so often to grow one and at last we have succeeded by growing on in a tub. I love their golden fruit and have filled a few jars with their preserves......

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