Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Rainy Day Musings

It started raining last night and this morning we measured over an inch of rain! Since then it hasn't really stopped raining! The Tawneys know where their bread is buttered and are sheltering on our patio each day, out of the rain and comfortable on the vine branch.It will be interesting to see what happens when the vine has lost all its leaves and the branches have to be pruned. The photo of the climbing Gold Bunny rose I took a few days ago, flowering in June , for heavens sake, they are so cheerful but!!
 Because it was raining so this morning we couldn't be outside and started looking through some old boxes to find information to send for an application for posthumous medals for Harry who fought in the Greek campaigns and was taken prisoner of war on Crete with his section in the WWII.( I thought I better mention it was the WWII as ,when I rang the DVA the girl asked me was that in WWI !!) While looking for all this, I came across a letter which reminded me of the time in spring 1975, when my eldest son and I rode our horses Twilight and Goldie from Hughes Park , Watervale, to Springfield, Williamstown.
We rode along the backroads as much as possible as the horses
were not used to traffic.We went along a road along the Tarlee hills and at the end of the day when it was getting dark and could not go further we were at a tiny place called Ford  near Kapunda. We asked a farmer there if we could paddock the horses there overnight and he kindly suggested we put them in the shed overnight. The only problem was that there were pigs in the shed and our horses had never been near pigs.We gave the horses a good feed and there was plenty of water,so we went back with Harry to Hughes park for the night. In the morning we went back and saddled up, but Goldie the nervous Anglo/Arab, hadn't eaten a thing nor had a drink we later suspected because by the time we were near Williamstown he could hardly move. We managed to get him up to a neighbouring property where he spent the night while we went to our new place on Springfield.In the morning he had recovered and was able to be ridden on to his new paddock.
The rain hasn't abated much and the lemon tree in the tub is looking quite presentable , the pond on the left is overflowing and the gutter near the laundry can no longer cope and is making quite a little lake near the verandah post. we may well have had another inch of rain. The drain from the rainwater tanks overflow which our gardener put in yesterday is working beautifully and so the yard is no longer a soggy mess. I had planted the climbing geraniums on Monday and also other geraniums in various spots, plus thinned out and transplanted self seeded nasturtiums and the old fashioned marigolds so they should all romp ahead as long as the grubs don't eat them. I squashed quite a few caterpillars on the geraniums.
I have finished knit-weaving the red batwing jumper and will wash it now before sewing it up altogether. I usually sew up one side so as to put on the collar on the machine and then wash the whole piece and dry it flat on the studio floor. I'll take a photo when it is finished and publish it.
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