Sunday, 27 June 2021

Showering with Scolopendromorpha or Bark Centipede

So, stepping into the shower this morning and adjusting the hot water and getting thoroughly soaped, I happened to look down and there, shock horror, was what I call a Chinese Dragon. It seemed glued to the corner and keeping a close eye on it after that, finished my ablutions...

It is a Bark centipede with a very vicious bite and looking it up it belongs to the Scolopendromorpha group and is found all over the world in different colours...Later I removed it by my usual method of putting a plastic food container over it and then sliding a sturdy piece of cardboard under it and encouraging it to move onto that. Then it gets carried out to the garden and released to do its duty there by eating other bugs.

The other creature I had to deal with this week a few

days ago, was a Shag sitting by the pond with the Wood ducks and eyeing off

the Goldfish, which are already being reduced in

number by the White faced Heron.

It did get the message it wasn't

 welcome and has not been back since I last told it to go elsewhere ...

 And so life in the garden is romping ahead with the little white snails ( where do they suddenly come from??) eating the cabbages , slugs in the silverbeet, and an unidentifiable bug eating huge holes in everything except weeds....


Sunday, 6 June 2021

Not an Haiku this Time....

Listen to the Magpie's song

So early in the morning

Waking up the world with song

So early in the morning

Greeting with such massive joy

The blessed day with trees so tall

so early in the morning

Showing us a different way

So early in the morning

Of joy and life and such delight 

As sunrise in the morning

The sky is red and pink and blue

So early in the morning

And I will go the whole day through

 Heart ablaze with Magpie song

So early in the morning....