Thursday, 29 April 2021

Adelaide Mt Lofty Botanic Park on a Perfect Autumn day

The weather has been absolutely stunning for the last week with clear blue South Australian autumn  skies and no wind and the temperature in the low twenties....

So yesterday a friend and I drove to the Mt Lofty Botanic Park to view the exotic trees in their autumn colours. To start with I missed the turn off for the road I used to take when Brian was still alive and we would take a picnic to the Park quite frequently before Covid hit us. We did and extra tour of the hills as I unintentionally finished up on the Freeway and had to drive through Bridgewater to Aldgate to get to the right turnoff.

The car park was packed but luckily, someone drove out as we drove in and so parked near the amusing sign warning us to keep a safe distance...not a Kangaroo in sight....

Since I was last in the Park there have been wonderful changes and the sculptures on their plinths look great. We took the walk along the lower level which is easy going as the days of climbing the hillsides are sadly gone... we huff and puff too much these days .....There are steps now down to the lake where before you sort of slipped and slid down the embankment. There were lots of wading birds and because there were some people feeding them, this brought a lot of the ducks and divers skiing along at the rate of knots so as not to miss out on food.....

I can't quite remember what the description of this next sculpture said, but it looked so good with the changing colours of the trees in the background.

Also the artist name was not acknowledged which seemed odd and a little sad, I thought , such lovely work ought to be known surely....

The little Blue Fairy wrens are quite a feature of this Park, they are so dear and cute with their perky tails and their quick movements, I was lucky to get this one to stay still for two seconds so as to grab the opportunity to photograph him. I wonder why it is always the male bird that is so attractive and the little females are quite drab looking....though still cute with their little red bills and quick movements...

 On our way back we walked along the bank of the lake which is man made with a very steep bank on the north side. A group of young children were having a wonderful time sliding down the bank on pieces of card board ....obviously they had not bothered to read the sign prominently displayed...such joy though on such a wonderful afternoon as they were rolling and sliding on the brought a smile to our faces....

Do click on the photos to get a better view....

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Micro-bat Rescue

Three days ago I got up at my usual unearthly hour of the morning to make my pot of tea. When I switched on the light in the kitchen, a creature flew past me and I thought, "by Jove that is a big moth" .There certainly have been a hatch of big moths the last few days but when it flew past again I saw it was a Micro-bat. We have had the little creatures in the house before. They seem to be able to sneak in but then can't find their way out.

For three days I have been hunting in the day to try and find it before it starved to death and I would find it on the floor somewhere as I did once before. I blogged about that too if you care to look at previous blogs....So I looked behind curtains, Pictures on the wall, wall hangings , door frames etc...Each evening it would fly into my bedroom as I was reading in bed and last night it settled briefly on the door frame and left again. I slept with the bedroom door closed not fancying having it fly over my head as I slept which in other times that has happened and it woke me up....
So this morning I finally found it tucked up high on the brick wall above the bookcase. What to do?

 I rang the Aldinga person who had previously put bat recording stations on our place.He very kindly brought a net on a longish pole and as you can see by the pictures he managed to get it into the net and we took it outside to photograph it.

If you click on the photos you can see what fierce rows of teeth it has.

 It looks quite cute with its mouth closed and you can see by the gloved hand how tiny it really is.

You have to be really careful handling bats as they can transmit some awful disease to humans but they do an excellent job of keeping night time insects under control. I can't tell you its name at this stage but I may be able to do that when we have had it identified....

I will release it tonight in the dark and hopefully it will assuage it's hunger by slaughtering huge numbers of insects......

We think it is a Lesser Long eared Bat  Nyetophilus geoffroyi

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Haiku for Shalako

                                                Shalako Zuni

                                                Rain God of the Apaches

                                                Horse Aptly Named

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Tineke's Haiku for a Calm Evening

                                                 A calm Evening

                                                Willy Wagtail, cool water

                                                Paradise enow.....

Should I explain the "enow'? I will if you have not read The Rubaiyat......