Monday, 10 August 2020

Eucalyptus trees and their peculiar habits....

How annoying is this...Blogger is supposed to have updated this process you go through to write a blog and it almost seems as though they don't want you to go on blogging....

Getting back to these photos, it shows how our pond seems to be attracting more and more diverse wildlife, especially water birds.Here is a Whitefaced heron and wood duck or maned goose and the next photo shows a wood duck and a black duck together. And as for frogs....we have a frog chorus again at night good to hear
I wanted these photos of the tree, to be at the start of my blog, but no, they were put on the bottom of the page instead, why oh why , do these computer people do this?
I wanted to show how unpredictable our Australian native eucalyptus trees can be.
Some nights ago, there was this enormous thunderclap, only there was no storm at all.... in the morning I was able to check up on what had caused the noise the night before and found this enormous limb had broken off the huge tree on the corner of our block and fallen slap bang onto my neighbours
shed roof and caused a heap of damage.
Now for my overseas readers, Australian eucalyptus
are notorious for dropping branches in the summer especially but this is in the middle of our winter.

You can see by the height of the tree how dwarfed the shed is and it is a large shed indeed.