We had decided we had better do something about our front veranda....we live on a reactive clay soil which means when the dry weather comes huge cracks appear in the soil. These are also translated to our veranda bricks which were a total mess and very uneven and a danger to our guests especially those who might be dependent on walking sticks. So we asked our trusted building friend if he could correct the problem for us and he did.
Meanwhile of course all the pots and garden furniture had to be removed first....
we put every pot in the corner near the sheds which faces east and is pretty well sheltered from the north winds and even the gully winds from the east and shaded by the big Ash trees. They seemed very happy there and flowered profusely, it seemed a shame to shift them back again now the veranda has been finished.
The old wheelbarrow sits under a gum tree with a mast like trunk and is full of cacti and succulents. It was a lovely surprise to see the cactus flowering one morning, the flowers only last for a few days but they are truly spectacular.
The two gum trees in this particular area are self sown, usually I pull the seedlings up but they were in a useful position so I let them go. They have shot up straight and tall which is unusual in gum trees other than the Lemon scented trees but these are not lemon scented trees. A mystery.....
The garden sculpture on the right was made by asmallartfactory.com.au and the lass Anna who runs this with her husband gave it to me as a present.Their metal sculptures are out of light steel and are just great. Do visit their website....
The rose in the background is Gold bunny and the green in the foreground is myophylum, a water weed which decided to take over the pond so with great difficulty we have managed to remove most of it. It forms a dense mat underneath though it looks great it was preventing the birds from getting their much needed drink.....
On the left you can see the veranda much improved and we won't trip over the bricks which were so uneven. Now all I have to do is wash the windows especially the one the White face Heron has been attacking , knock, knock who is there? I'd go out and find the bird admiring himself in the reflection of the window despite the fact a lot of it was made grotty by him... a housewife's work is never done.....