Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Reflective Time.....

 An enforced leisure time is somewhat disconcerting.....I have to have my dominant right arm in a sling for another week and I find sitting around somewhat of a challenge. Reading is fine and playing one cell is OK for two or three games but then I thought, perhaps another blog on some miscellaneous photos may amuse not just me but some of my tolerant  friends as well perhaps.....
I can't get on my knitting machine either, but I don't think I have written about the butterfly batwing I did in marbled black and blue/grey.
 The skirt is part of an origami suit I made for myself to wear to my niece's 40th birthday party in Sydney a couple of years ago now.. The red jacket is one with gores at the back.
The top on the right is done in thread lace of fine cottons and wool. It is an interesting fabric because lace is usually done with another carriage and this one is done in the manner of fairisle.
It is light but still warm to wear over a shirt.
I have a black top waiting in the wings which will have some  black fabric lace added when I can finish it. There are in fact, several projects waiting to be completed and meanwhile the garden too is waiting for attention and pots need re-potting and cuttings need to be potted on and since the shed has been renovated the edge plants will have to be replaced as well...
the list goes on. We have been lucky to have our friend mow and whippersnip and spread the soil improver today......
so a little less to face up to
This Autumn has been so different in that it became cold very quickly and the rain has been light but continues.This means of course the burning off has not been done either....am I whingeing here? Shame on me....
Instead I will focus on the beautiful light we have had some mornings and the pond, which is full to overflowing with the rain, is looking spectacularly good with the goldfish thriving even if the whitefaced heron has nabbed one or two
The Autumn colours too have been stunning with the Virginian creeper turning a glorious red and the Golden Raintree a stunning yellow
so much beauty deserves remembering and I do wonder if we do not take those memories with us somehow as part of our ongoing non-presence....
The bulbs too were prolific and I love the way they pop up in places I had forgotten about and so delight the eye....
For something totally different, I was looking at the photos I took on our Clare trip some weeks ago and found the ones I took at Hughes Park on the  ridge which overlooks the Hoyleton/Balaklava plains . On a clear day you could see Pt Wakefield in the distance.
When we were managing Hughes Park in the 1960ies to 1975, we made the most of our 15 years there .We used to have Saturday night pic-nics on the ridge  there and invite friends to join us and we would all bring our own food and wines. The Georges were just starting to develop Skillogalee vineyards then.
Maree Knapstein would bring some of Tim's great wines along, he would be off gliding somewhere in the wild blue yonder in his glider and we would have a great time watching the sun set....
We used to leave the empty wine bottles in a hollow tree trunk and when we were visiting this site again this April, there they still are....I love the texture of the sawn stump, it would have been cut by hand a long time ago....